Veggie Chompers 2021 Garden PHOTO RALLY : come join the fun!

Are you ready for something fun?  I hope you are, because I'm counting on you to participate!!

The gardening season always goes by so fast, so I thought of something FUN we could do this year to capture cherishable moments in our garden.  If you've ever heard of a photo rally before, this is what I'm talking about! 

A photo rally is an event where participants have a list of pictures to take.  They then submit their pictures, before the set deadline, for the other participants to enjoy.  You might be asked, for exemple, to take a picture of a certain thing, or a picture of you in a situation or with something.  The participants submitting the most items will have a chance to win the grand prize.


Who can participate : Everybody
How to enter : Join Veggie Chompers 2021 Garden PHOTO RALLY Facebook Group.  Post an album of your pictures before the deadline.
Deadline : September 30th 2021, 11:59pm Eastern Daylight Time
Winner : Every participant submitting the 30 items or more will be admissible to win the grand prize.  The winner will be determined by a random draw. 
Grand Prize : Gift certificat of 50$ at Baker Creek
Participation prizes : 35 small prizes for artistic creations
Winner announcement : The winners will be announced on YouTube.  I will also go through the items on the list and show my favorite pic from all of your submissions.  Thoses will have a chance to win a participation prize.

How does it work :

  • Take a picture of each of the 35 items listed
  • The pictures can be taken in any garden, unless it specifies that the picture must be one of your garden
  • All pictures MUST be taken this year.  No pictures from previous years!!
  • You can share your pictures on the Veggie Chompers 2021 Garden PHOTO RALLY Facebook group althrough the season to share your accomplishments and encourage others, but you MUST make ONE post containing all the pictures you've collected to complete your entery.
  • You can submit more than one picture of the same item, for our entertainment and yours, but it will only count as one.
  • You can't submit the same picture for 2 items on the list. It needs to be all different pictures.
  • Creativity and originality are welcomed!
  • Use the hashtag #2021gardenphotorally
How to submit your entery :
  • Become a member of the Veggie Chompers 2021 Garden PHOTO RALLY Facebook group
  • Make an post containing your 35 pictures with the caption ''This is my entery fot the Veggie Chompers 2021 Garden PHOTO RALLY'' before the deadline, Septermber 19th 2021, 11:59pm Eastern Dalight Time.
  • Subscribe to Veggie Chompers Youtube chanel and turn on the bell to get any notification about the rally and the announcement of the winner.
What if you don't have any Facebook account?
  • If you don't have any Facebook account, you can participate by creating a photo diaporama on Youtube and share the link in the comments under the OFFICIAL Veggie Chompers 2021 Garden PHOTO RALLY video.


  1. A ladybug
  2. A flower bouquet you've made
  3. A sunflower taller than you
  4. A selfie of you at the nursery
  5. Your biggest tomato (even if your biggest tomato is a cherry tomato)
  6. Your biggest fail of the season
  7. A wild animal on your property (squirrel, rabbit, deer, bird, etc…)
  8. A spiderweb with a spider in the middle
  9. Your favorite garden tool
  10. Your garden (or a plant) after the rain
  11. Your favorite plant
  12. Your dirty hands after gardening
  13. One of your harvest
  14. A close up of an open rose
  15. A mason jar of something you preserved
  16. A meal you made with ingredients from your garden
  17. A plant that went to seed
  18. A variegated plant
  19. A rare variety of any edible plant that you are growing this year
  20. A selfie of you picking fruits
  21. A garden decoration/statue/ornament
  22. A seed swap mail
  23. A magical portrait of you in your garden
  24. Your garden shoes
  25. You or someone else wearing a flower crown that you made
  26. Something growing on a trellis
  27. A selfie of you with a garden gnome
  28. A bird house
  29. Your pet in the garden
  30. A stalk of empty potting containers
  31. Make a head planter of your choice and give it a cool hairdo
  32. Have high tea in your garden and take a picture : china cup, sweets, nice outfit, GO ALL IN!!
  33. Make a sign for your garden
  34.  Show us your method for organising (or not organising lol) your seed packets
  35. You, dressed up as a flower, and someone is watering you!! 😉

I really want this to be an occasion for you to let creativity flow in your garden and to share it with other gardening lovers.  It's also a unique way to create memories of your 2021 gardening season.  I really hope you join me in the event!

To your cameras,
Ready, set, GO!!!

Have fun!!!!!!
Mel :-)


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