Looking Back on 2020 : What I Have Accomplished and 2021 GOALS
As the end of 2020 is approaching, I'm taking a moment to reflect on my year. Thinking about my accomplishments, my failures, the lessons I've learned in the past 12 months, the status of the goals we had set for 2020 as well as a list of new goals for 2021. At the end of 2019, my husband an I had agreed that we would put our house up for sale in the spring of 2020 and find a large land to build a homestead. Unfortunately, we had to face two speed bumps at the very beginning of the year. First, our house got hit by a snowplow during the night of February 14th to 15th, which led us into a dispute with our insurance company. It was finally resolved right before Christmas. And then, the worldwide pandemic situation...you know...2020! But as disheartening as it started, 2020 actually turned out to be a good year for me! I realised very quickly that we had been blessed with the gift of time and that I had to make the best out of it. Keeping our homesteading goals in mind, I