My first whole wheat bread

As many other things, bread-baking became industrialised early in the 20th century. Then, bread slicing and wrapping machines were invented to facilitate the process and people got used to buying their bread at the grocery store. Baking our own bread is the easiest and most usefull skill we lost over time. Always with the objective of being more self-sufficient, I decided to learn the ancient skill of baking bread. As I always do when I want to learn something new, I got on YouTube and research the subject. There, I found Heather ''The Kneady Homesteader'' who inspired me and got me started with the process. Her videos about bread-baking and food canning guide her audience through all the steps with footage. I started there. In September 2019, I baked my first bread. A simple white bread using the stand mixer to knead the dough. It was the easiest thing I could ever bake. Since then, I've been baking 4 loafs of bread every wee...